Last I wrote was in January! Can you believe it? 4 almost 5 months ago! Last you heard I was doing this one diet...what was it again? Oh yeah, the "17 day diet" I did really well for 14 days (with no results) and then I fell off so I took a short break went onto the next craze of mine "Insanity" which is this crazy intense workout and boy, was I excited to start. But somethings came up that put a little bit of a spin on things...
In February I found out that I was pregnant (still am but "was" sounds better than "am" in my opinion)! Obviously I shouldn't be working myself to the core with some sketchy exercise routine with child so I never got around to that.
I'm going to try to remember how the process went up to the point I'm at now....
I had an inkling that something might have been different that month. I didn't get headaches or cramps the weeks leading to when my cycle was supposed to start and as soon as I was late I new, I have never been late. I mentioned it to Matt the night before I took the test that I had a thought I might be (then it was really hard to even say the word pregnant let alone BE it) and he of course did what he always does. He said it will be fine and moved on.
The next day came and thankfully I had my best friend Gabrielle with me. We purchased the clearblues early in the morning but went on with our day as we would any other. 5 o clock came around and it was time. I took one test and paced back and forth waiting for that dreadfully long three minutes. DING DING DING, my alarm was letting me know it was time to check. I couldn't look so I hand the pee stick to her and her face drops as it reads "pregnant". We were both in shock and though it was a false positive until the second also read "pregnant". We cried and laughed and cried. Matt called in the midst of all of this not knowing I was taking a test and I answer and immediately say "I TOOK 2 TESTS AND IM PREGNANT!" he responds with an "okay." Just like that like it was nothing.
All of this was a lot to process but we have always had a plan "if it happens, it happens" but I couldn't keep this to myself I had to tell my mom ASAP. Funny enough I was at my parents house watching my little sister that night where Gabrielle and I couldn't stop talking about "it" (it was and "it" because I didn't want my sister to overhear and tell my mom before I could). We left that night thinking we were in the clear...well I sure made it clear that one of us had taken a test by LEAVING THE WRAPPER (that had fallen out of my purse) ON THE DESK! The next morning I received a text message from both my mom and step dad wondering what the hell was going on so I went to tell them. My mom took it surprisingly well, she was excited and within one day she told everyone she knows (thanks mom).
Telling Matt's parents was a whole different story...we waited a fews days more. To be honest I'm not sure how it went. Matt told them and it seemed to be fine (although I'm not sure they have really processed it yet.
Fast forward through the drama and....
We (Matt and I) went to the doctor when I was about 5 weeks along to be sure (because the two 99.9% accurate tests I took weren't conclusive enough so I needed to asap) and it was true. Matt was blue in the face in the office the whole time and my heart was racing!We went again at 8 and 12 weeks (where I had expected to have an ultrasound) but didn't get one and didn't feel cared for by the doc. so we fired her. At 14.5 weeks I had my first ultrasound and it was the most amazing this to see! It still weirds me out a bit that I am growing a human.
My pregnancy has been SO easy so far...I was expecting to be puking my brains out and 100 lbs heavier but no nothing. Besides my belly getting bigger ( and the hormones) you would never know! I have been sick maybe 3 times, I'm 10 lbs lighter than before I was pregnant but I am really tired.
At this point I'm 4.5 months along and we find out the sex in two weeks (were hoping for a girl)! I am tired all the time no matter how much I sleep. I'm starting to feel like a cow because I am hungry all the time (although I can't eat much in one sitting) so I'm sure the weight gain is coming soon.
Stress is definitely an issue that I am concerned about but its hard not to worry all the time. We have so much preparation to do before Oct. 27 (oh yeah, thats when I'm due...forgot to mention that). I mean...SO much. We have to completely flip a room that is full of stuff into a nursery (tear out and replace carpet, replace a wall, find a place for all the things in there, paint) and we are swapping rooms from upstairs to downstairs to be with the baby. So essentially we have to move ton of stuff and still make sure everyone has a place to sleep in the process. I'm just a mess and I can't seem to think about anything else but what needs to be done. Ugh, having a really hard time relaxing.
On that note, I need a nap or some food...lots of food but that what I have been up to!
Sorry for the novel!
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