Sunday, December 30, 2012


And it begins...the oh so addicting ranting via internet (as if i don't do that enough via Facebook). Don't get animals...just don't do it. Sure they adorable little snuggle bugs when they are stuffed sized but then they grow up and make you go legally insane. I live in a house with two cats that belong to me (one who is 27 lbs...still not sure if I should classify him as a cat or a jaguar) and 4 dogs... all of them are CHIHUAHUAS but only on is mine. Now, you think I'm your crazy neighbor with too many pets and no life and you'd be right, unfortunately. Well, today I was in possibly the most blissful sleep when I was woken up to a screeching noise at my door so what I do? I whimpered a little and tried my best to ignore the varmint on the opposite side. The scratching went on for about 49 minutes (I know exactly because I never actually fell back to sleep) until I finally got my lazy ass up. I open in the door and it's my baby! For some reason I'm excited even though I knew she was the culprit the whole time. Then we run into bed and snuggle for about fifteen minutes...and I hear it. The beasts next door begin bellowing their horrid howls into my yard. And of course, my little shit starts with her "bark" which really sounds like one of the cats is coughing, and she wants out...DAMN-IT! Gladly I release her and find Ivy (the smaller of the cats) who wants food...UGH, I just want to go back to sleep! Keep in mind Matt is next to me throughout all of it sleeping like a baby. I ignored the cat because trust me, they eat enough. Apparently, I startled the other dogs because as soon as I stepped out of my room they all start barking...AHHHHH! That triggered Sophie who then attacked the fat cat, Smokey who has a serious grudge against her...believe me, nothing pleasant about their battles so I have to intervene. All of this within 5 minutes of waking up. I am not a morning person as it is so this just sets the mood for the day. 

Thankfully today is my mommy's birthday, so I hope she can lighten my mood. She's turning...uhm...what's 2012 minus 1974? 28 right...well go with that. So I call the lady to wish he a happy birthday, and she tells me we're going to bingo. I can't say no, I mean the women gave birth to me (and really I love bingo).  Fortunately for you I have no photo of my mother to share so I'll have to show ya later. For now I have to go put my face on!
Toodles  -B

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