Saturday, December 29, 2012

What have I gotten myself into?

Well folks, here it is! The ever fascinating blog that you have been waiting for! For quite some time I've had plans to start a blog but I have been waiting for numerous things (I have tons of excuses but I'll make it sweet) ; a gap in my schedule where I could find the time (although it only took a couple of hours to throw it together), a motif, courage to commit to it and most importantly a camera that takes adequate photos; what kind of a blog would this be without amateur pictures taken with a fancy camera? Thanks to my loving boyfriend, Matt, I finally got the equipment I needed and have been obsessed with it ever since! I know what you're thinking "Great, cheesy pictures of the same old stuff." and "What could this broad possibly have to write about?" and let me tell this point, you're probably right. I can tell you this, I have the cutest dog in the world, Sophie, and she will probably be featured more than you'd like and I love to cook...and luckily for you  I'm quite good at it so I'll share my knowledge, tricks and recipes and hopefully you won't rip your eyes out following me. Also, I work in childcare so believe me I have some wonderfully disgusting yet hilarious stories to share...and oh yeah, my family is nuts so at some point or another I'll be foaming at the mouth with anger and blog something I should and you'll all be here to laugh at me. SO, cheers to the start of something I hope to be great!

AH! Here is my pooch, Sophie...she is pretty much a princess...if you couldn't tell (; and Ivy the cat. He (yes he...I'll explain later) is in love with Matt (don't mind his belly on the leftish)...obsessed I should say.

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